Sunday, 6 November 2011

Timber Furniture Plans - Find the Best Woodworking Resource

As a cabinetmaker myself, I know what it is like to lose interest in a project from the simple fact that you can not find plans to suit your needs. I had just recently got the motivation back and started thinking about and searching for my next project. With a growing child and another on the way, my wife and I had to discuss the bedroom situation for the children. In need for some bedroom furniture plans I turned my search to the internet.
I came across some timber furniture plans for my daughter's new bedroom.
A bed with drawers under
Bed side cabinet
Tall boy drawers to match
It is possible to find the plans that you desire and you can do it from the comfort of your home or office because they are available on the internet. There are in fact thousands of websites with many plans for you to download, some offer the plans for free and others require payment. With the help of your internet browser you can quite easily find a timber furniture plan to suit your need and budget.
What to look for in a PAID woodworking package.
  • 3D drawings- 3 dimensional impression of your finished project
  • Exploded 3D drawings- Exploded views with each component labeled in relation to the component list and step by step construction guide.
  • Section view - for the more complicated areas that need a little more attention and detail.
  • Front and end elevations - 2 dimensional drawings showing dimensions of the finished product.
  • Material lists- take your material list off to the hardware store and timber yard and come home with the required materials ready for cutting.
  • Component list- so you just simply take the material and cut each component to the sizes given.
  • Step by step - a very easy to follow construction guide.
However there are only a couple of packages out there that you would bother forking out for. You can tell that the owners have put their decades of woodworking experience gathering knowledge, skill tips and trade secrets, building a data base of thousands of plans.
How do I get some FREE woodworking plans?
If it is free plans you are after, you will probably find a picture of what you want but will most likely be lacking the detail that most people require to turn it into a full scale finished product.
Looking for free woodworking plans on the internet is a bit hit and miss, as there is a lot of garbage you will have to sift through to find the genuine ones. Joining a woodworkers forum would be a good idea and communicating with your fellow furniture makers and the like will open up a whole world of resources.
A lot of people are reluctant to buy products over the web due to the many scammers out there trying to cheat them of there hard earned cash. When i am interested in an item on the internet I always do a quick search of the company name or person to make sure there is no alarm bells telling me to stay away.
Access to a woodworking package is going to give you the confidence to take on that project you have been trying to talk yourself into getting started, whether it is a bookshelf or a shed.
It doesn't matter what skill level you are if you have a project to do, there is a detailed plan to help you get the job done. You just need the best resource that suits your personality or your way of learning.
If you are a woodworker that enjoys making timber furniture, building outdoor projects or even a business owner in need of some fresh woodwork designs. There are Timber furniture plans with step by step layout to guide you through your project and make your woodwork experience easy, enjoyable and satisfying.
There are thousands of plans to browse on the internet like Arbor plans, barns, beds, boats, beehives, carports, cart plans, chairs, computer desks, deck plans, dog house plans, garage plans, guitars, hutch plans, kitchen projects, lathe plans, pergola plans, planters, swings, tables of all shapes and sizes, plans for wooden toys, just to name a few.

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