Sunday 6 November 2011

Browse Sealy's Bugshield Beds to Combat Bed Bugs

If you like to keep your home as clean as possible, you might worry about how to keep the beds in your property hygienic, as mattresses cannot be washed deep inside. You can clean the surfaces but the interior is likely to house a build-up of bed bugs and dust mites, which can compound allergies.
Many people are unaffected by the creatures, but others can be sensitive to bed bugs, which reside in sleeping solutions and are mainly active in the night, when they feed on the occupant's warm blood. And while dust mites are often harmless enough, people with allergies might find they come out in a rash or that skin ailments like eczema or certain types of dermatitis become worse.
Dust mites can be the source of respiratory conditions, such as asthma and hay fever, and because they are present all year round, can cause constant allergic reactions.
If you or others in your household suffer from any of these conditions, you might be wondering how to free bedrooms of the bugs to allow for a better sleep. There are products available to help get rid of bed bugs and dust mites, so that you or members of your household can rest throughout the night, untroubled by the creatures.
Browse the Bugshield collection of Sealy beds if you want to take steps towards more hygienic sleeping solutions. The firm has developed an array of mattresses with a biocide woven into the fibres as part of its Smart Fibres range.
The biocide is safe against skin but fatal to bed bugs and dust mites. Trials have shown that the mattresses have a 100 per cent mortality rate for the creatures, with 90 per cent killed off after 24 hours.
As well as exterminating current bugs, the sleeping solutions generate an inhospitable environment for the insects to breed, preventing further infestations from breaking out.
In this way, the beds cater for allergy sufferers, but the biocide is not the only feature that may appeal if you're looking for a new bed. The mattresses made by Sealy have other elements, such as a special design that aims to eliminate tossing and turning by reducing

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