Sunday 6 November 2011

Giving Through Saving

Are you a saver? Are you a handcrafter? Do you enjoy helping others? I fall into all 3 categories which was the basis for starting my blog; Coupons, Crafts and Causes earlier this year. I wanted to educate others how easy and inexpensive it is to help others and give back no matter how much time and/or money you have. There are an endless number of non-profit organizations that are looking for items to be donated. There are several items that you throw away or recycle on a daily basis that someone within your community, our country or even our troops overseas could put to good use.
One of the easiest ways to help is to save the Box Tops for Education emblems found on a select variety of General Mills products and Labels for Education emblems found on Campbell's products (soups, Franco American, Swanson, Prego and more). Both of these can be collected and donated to a participating school. You can send them with a student or employee, drop them off at the school office or mail them in. The school earns so much per emblem submitted to use towards a variety of items for the school system. We have been saving them since both programs began. Our kids are now through school, so we save them for one of our friend's to send with her children.
Did you know that you can donate your pop can tabs to participating McDonald's Restaurants to benefit families of the Ronald McDonald House?
Another easy way is to donate your newspapers and magazines to a variety of different organizations. In my area, there are several local schools and churches with Newspaper Bins in their parking lot where you drop them off anytime.
I use my couponing skills to get products for free or almost free that we won't use to donate to local food drives or pantries. Even if you aren't an avid couponer there are ways in which you could still save and donate. For example, when your store has a Buy 1; Get 1 Free sale and you don't need 2 of a particular item, consider donating the 2nd one. One of our local stores runs a Buy 10 participating items and get the 11th one free. If you only need 9 items, consider picking up the additional items to donate. During school supply season, consider picking up a few of the inexpensive school supplies while at the grocery, drug or office supply store and donate to a school supply drive.
Did you know that our troops can use expired manufacturer coupons? The PX and Commissaries will allow them to use expired coupons for a certain length of time. You can also send non-expired coupons as well.
I enjoy sewing, crocheting and card making. There are many organizations (non-profit and otherwise) that are in need of handmade items to donate to those in need. I'm a member of a quilt club that donates handmade quilts to those with serious illnesses, homeless, been abused and more. They also donate stuffed animals wrapped in a baby doll sized quilt to children that have been abused, lost their home to fire, or battling a serious illness. They also donate baby quilts to pregnancy centers and hospitals. Check with local hospitals, nursing homes, pregnancy centers and non-profit organizations to see what they are in need of.
I also buy fleece remnants at my local fabric store to make scarves and hats throughout the year to donate to coat drives in the fall. If you knit or crochet, this is something you could make from your scrap yarn.
You could make lap robes and walker caddies for local nursing homes; baby blankets, burp cloths and pacifier holders for pregnancy centers. There are a lot of smaller items that you could make out of your scrap materials.
These are just a few of the many ways that you can help by giving back. Of course, there are plenty of fundraisers you could purchase from to help, make a monetary donation, or volunteer your time. I'm more of a behind-the-scenes type person, so I prefer purchasing from fundraisers and saving items to donate when I can.

The Many Benefits of Family Dinners

In this day and age, it seems that parents and kids alike are always on the go. Whether it is work, school, day care, meetings or soccer practice, someone is always out and about.
Dinner is a natural way for families, especially busy ones, to spend quality time together, and the benefits of sharing a meal can go beyond just good nutrition. From catching up on how a child's day went, to learning something new, to just having a good laugh, each meal presents parents with an opportunity to forge a stronger connection with their kids. Here are a few ways in which to make the most out of each dinner, family activities that everyone will enjoy:
Ways to Enhance Family Dinner Time:
Make it educational - Adding a little education to dinner time is a great way for parents and children to learn something new. Cooking a dish native to another country is one way to introduce young children to a different culture. As everyone samples the meal, share a few pre-researched facts about your dish's country of origin with your kids. Encourage them to tell of any information they may know.
Turn dinner time into game time - Games during dinner are a great way to have fun as a family, and the simpler they are, the better. Games like "20 Questions," and "What's Missing from the Table Top," require no preparation beforehand and no extra supplies in order to be played. Games like "Family Quiz," require writing questions about each family member ahead of time, but it's a way for family members to learn new things about one another. Kids love watching as their parents try to answer questions about their favorite animal, color, etc.
Create a family story - Storytelling is another family activity which allows kids and parents to use their imagination. It is a perfect meal time idea to try out, as everyone is conveniently sitting around a table. The first person to go begins telling a story, and then passes it along, giving everyone around the table a chance to add to the tale. This is an especially exciting activity around the holidays, as the story theme can be chosen ahead of time to fit a special time of year.

Outdoor Movie Events Help Boost Morale of Soldiers and Military Families

Being in the Army means missing Christmas, birthdays and many other special family events. Not being there for these days hurts, but sometimes the hardest part is missing out on every day family life. For soldiers and their family members, enjoying simple but fun events like watching outdoor movies on an inflatable screen can be just what is needed to boost the morale of soldiers, and bring soldiers and families closer.
Enjoying a movie as a family is among the more common ways families bond. In the military, soldiers and families often bond with other military families as a larger military community. Many events that take place on a military base are geared toward bonding and boosting the morale of troops, as well as their family members. A well chosen movie enjoyed by a group of military families is an excellent way to encourage bonding in the military community. Inflatable movie screens are versatile. Whether you would like to use an open field, an area on a military base, or even on an aircraft carrier; an inflatable movie screen will meet your needs. And the high quality equipment and service provided by Southern Outdoor Cinema will ensure that the experience is enjoyed by all.
The choice of movie will depend largely on the group the event is being held for. For a group of soldiers with families that include children; a classic family or children's movie is the best choice. Most parents enjoy seeing their children having a fun time. For parents in the Army, it is usually even more gratifying to see the excitement children get out of fun events. The Army takes soldiers away from their families for extended periods of time, so watching their children enjoy a movie at a special event like this will likely become a cherished memory. And inflatable movie screens are available in a variety of sizes. There is a screen for any size group; from just a few hundred, to as many as 10,000 viewers.
For groups of only soldiers; morale boosting is the name of the game. Movies that emphasize team work and coming together to reach a common goal are great choices. A movie specifically about the military or war is also a good choice. Other times, soldiers might want to simply enjoy a popular movie and have a good time together. Spending time together in a relaxed environment, away from the demands of the Army, is important for soldiers.
When fun time with family and friends is limited, it is important to make that time special. Watching a movie on an inflatable movie screen is exciting and a great recreation event for soldiers and military families.

How Much Should You Give Your Child for an Allowance

Student credit card loans and education loans have become a major cause of concern for parents, these days. If you want to stay away from such a situation, it will be wise for you to help your child develop good monetary habits. In most of the cases, children gain the habit of making uncalculated expenses as they get allowances in excess.
There is nothing wrong in giving pocket money to your child but you should decide the sum of money or the amount carefully and then make the decision. Parents who are unable to decide on the amount of pocket money that they will be giving to their child can take note of the following factors.
Determine the Needs of Your Child
Traveling Allowance:
When you are deciding on the allowances that you provide to your child, you should at first chalk out the needs of your child. Make an estimate of the transportation cost that is needed for going to school.
If your child is enrolled in any other activity like music, dance, swimming or even in any games, you should not forget to include the transportation cost for travelling all the way to the respective training centers. Most of the children have their own bikes or cycles. In that case, allowances for transportation should be reduced.
Food Allowance:
It is always good to pack the lunch box of your child when he leaves for school. However, many working mothers cannot do so for their busy schedules. Whatever be the reason, if your child is not carrying his lunch from home, you should estimate the cost of foods in the school canteen or college canteen and then add up the amount to determine the total allowance in this account.
Miscellaneous Allowances
It is good to give some extra money to your child for purchasing some items of his choice or for a movie with friends. However, that should be restricted and decisions should be made depending on the age of your child.
Make Your Child Develop the Habit of Saving Money
Irrespective of the sum of money that you are offering to your child as his allowance, you should encourage him to save a part of it. Initially he may not be interested to save much but with due course of time, he will gain the habit of saving money. You can start with a piggy bank and then can gradually proceed to open up a bank account for your child. Also make him understand the value for money so that he can decide how to make the best use of every penny he receives.
These tips should help give you a better idea of how much to give your child for an allowance. You definitely want to give them enough to learn to manage their money. However, you don't want to give them too much money since this will give them unrealistic expectations in the future.

Backup Camera Systems Keep Roads Safe

On average more than 180,000 deaths each year are the result of injury. In relation to vehicles, pedestrians ages of 65 and older account for 18% of accident deaths and 10% of injuries. One in every five children between the ages of 5 and 9 die as victims in traffic crashes. Many parents specifically do not let their younger children walk to school because of traffic safety reasons. That is only second to distance. When you look at the numbers, it is very apparent that driving safety must be taken more seriously. Many of the accidents that end up being fatal are close to home, where people are distracted and comfortable. For example, many accidents occur as the result of backing up your car.
Don't become a statistic. Don't let your neighbors become statistics. You can increase the safety of your vehicle when you install a backup camera system. That blind spot, so infamously known as the cause of these fatal accidents, will be completely covered by the camera you attach to the back of the car. It can often reach a distance of at least 30 feet. Some can go 50 feet or more. If you want extra accuracy you can get some systems with an infrared night vision setting.
Many people back out of the driveway hurriedly. Sure, checking in the mirrors is standard but how many get out of the car and go around the back and check out the block to make sure it's clear. It's just not a viable option every time you plan to drive somewhere. But, with the screen in front of you on your dashboard you can be sure the coast is clear before you put the car in reverse.
Commercial vehicles definitely can learn from this as well. They are expected to be very alert when it comes to pedestrian safety. Transit buses and trucks must always be on the defensive because they travel to highly populated areas. Having a truck backup camera is a benefit to the driving because it will increase safety and decrease the time it takes you to be sure of it.

Buying Real Estate: Building a Lifestyle

In the current real estate market, both buyers and sellers have different objectives then they did five years ago. Then, many homeowners bought with the intention to hold a property for one to three years and sell it for a profit or to gain equity for the next property purchase. After the real estate and mortgage market downturn, many areas of the U.S. were flooded with short sales and foreclosed properties -- so buyers can no longer rely on this fast equity. Nowadays, most real estate professionals are recommending that homebuyers plan to hold their property investment for a minimum of 10 years.
Homes for Sale are More Likely to Sell if They are Move in Ready
These days, the trend in home buying is for move in ready homes. Most buyers cannot take out home equity loans for property improvements. It is imperative the seller makes certain appliances, fixtures, flooring, kitchens and bathrooms are in good condition or recently renovated or replaced. Homebuyers are in a place to be choosy. If they want fixer uppers they can purchase foreclosures or distressed properties. Sellers serious about closing on their homes will make the necessary renovations even before putting the home on the market.
Homebuyers Want to Purchase Homes Near Shopping Districts
If the home purchase is intended as a primary residence for ten years, it needs to fit the lifestyle of the family or individual who owns it-- perfectly. Right now the most popular trend in real estate purchases is to live close to mass transit, shopping and entertainment. Many people want to walk in their own neighborhoods and have easy access to everything they enjoy: the gym, restaurants, bars, movies, and more. Neighborhoods and condominiums close to main shopping districts will be more desirable then other areas where driving is necessary.
I have worked with many homebuyers over the years. Generally, I break down lifestyles into three types of areas: rural, suburban and urban. I ask homebuyers I work with which of these lifestyles they desire. Then we work on identifying other specifics about the home such as: pools, garages, multiple bathrooms, square footage and more. The most important parameter in purchasing a home is location. Price range for home purchases sometimes limits choices to certain areas, but I have found we can usually work around this and still find the buyer a desirable location.
Here's my breakdown of the three locations related to lifestyle choices for homebuyers:
Rural: Do you need a property with acreage?
Many rural homebuyers are used to this lifestyle. They often own horses or enjoy boating, gardening, hiking or other outdoor activities. Some of these buyers will be new to rural living and making a change in lifestyle. To many who choose the rural lifestyle, living near a small town or in one is best, because there are grocery stores, doctors, restaurants and businesses nearby. Rural buyers will want a certain amount of acreage and outbuildings for additional guests or activities. Some of the buyers who want to own rural property will be more inclined to ask about green built features in a home, or be willing to purchase green built homes.
Living in the Suburbs
Some families and couples want peace and quiet or they choose to raise their children outside of rural areas and big cities -- but still want to be close to a host of activities. So they choose suburban lifestyles. Many suburban developments and communities are close to a city or an interstate entrance. Subdivisions appeal to various lifestyles such as: golf communities, waterfront homes with docks or dock access for boating, homes near a historic area, houses close to a national park or public trails, or nearby a shopping district. Suburban lifestyles can be varied but many have the same themes running throughout. Families want to be close to school and churches and have plenty of green space in the backyard for leisure activities such as grilling, swimming, playing or just relaxing. Multiple bedrooms and bathrooms are required with plenty of square footage.
Choosing the Urban Lifestyle
Professionals, people who travel a great deal, and individuals with sophisticated tastes in cultural choices, dining and entertainment want to live in urban areas. Mass transit and airports are easily accessible. A choice of restaurants and leisure activities is literally at the doorstep. Urbanites live life on the go and do not want to be bogged down with yard work. Many urbanites will want to purchase a townhome or condominium that will include exterior maintenance. Some urban dwellers will want amenities such as pools, gyms and community rooms included as amenities to complement the condominium lifestyle. Many will want to be within walking distance of restaurants, markets and bars.
These three lifestyle choices are a matter of personal taste and preference. Since home ownership is now a decade long commitment, lifestyles need to be carefully considered prior to purchasing a home. I often tell homebuyers to project 10 years into the future. For example, will the homebuyer need a space for an aging parent? Or, will the homeowner need extra room for a child or grandchild who may have to move back in for a while? These lifestyle changes could weigh in heavily on the decision of which home to buy.

Browse Sealy's Bugshield Beds to Combat Bed Bugs

If you like to keep your home as clean as possible, you might worry about how to keep the beds in your property hygienic, as mattresses cannot be washed deep inside. You can clean the surfaces but the interior is likely to house a build-up of bed bugs and dust mites, which can compound allergies.
Many people are unaffected by the creatures, but others can be sensitive to bed bugs, which reside in sleeping solutions and are mainly active in the night, when they feed on the occupant's warm blood. And while dust mites are often harmless enough, people with allergies might find they come out in a rash or that skin ailments like eczema or certain types of dermatitis become worse.
Dust mites can be the source of respiratory conditions, such as asthma and hay fever, and because they are present all year round, can cause constant allergic reactions.
If you or others in your household suffer from any of these conditions, you might be wondering how to free bedrooms of the bugs to allow for a better sleep. There are products available to help get rid of bed bugs and dust mites, so that you or members of your household can rest throughout the night, untroubled by the creatures.
Browse the Bugshield collection of Sealy beds if you want to take steps towards more hygienic sleeping solutions. The firm has developed an array of mattresses with a biocide woven into the fibres as part of its Smart Fibres range.
The biocide is safe against skin but fatal to bed bugs and dust mites. Trials have shown that the mattresses have a 100 per cent mortality rate for the creatures, with 90 per cent killed off after 24 hours.
As well as exterminating current bugs, the sleeping solutions generate an inhospitable environment for the insects to breed, preventing further infestations from breaking out.
In this way, the beds cater for allergy sufferers, but the biocide is not the only feature that may appeal if you're looking for a new bed. The mattresses made by Sealy have other elements, such as a special design that aims to eliminate tossing and turning by reducing

Storage Units for Holiday Decorations

The holidays are but once a year, and just about all the major ones happen to be just two months apart. Decorating is festive and fun, but storing all those items is certainly a less than enjoyable task! If your attic is anything like mine, you have a dozen boxes mislabeled with random Christmas ornaments, Easter bunnies, and light-up pumpkins. But not everyone has the luxury of a hot and stuffy attic. Where should people who live in small homes or apartments supposed to store all this stuff? Storage units, of course!
Storage units are the perfect solution to your decoration woes. The items will only be used for a few weeks out of the year; therefore, there is no point in having them take up valuable space in the home. Storage units are not too expensive to rent as long as you shop around for the right storage company. Most companies have various sized rooms so that you can pick one that fits your needs.
The key to storing holiday items is to be neat and organized. Every holiday should have its own box, or boxes, that are clearly labeled so you can quickly find what you are looking for. If you use more than one box, which you probably will, write what's in each one. Ornaments, for example, should be in separate boxes, carefully wrapped. Do not be afraid to splurge on copious amounts of tissue paper and bubble wrap. I actually recommend wrapping each one individually, a tedious chore I know, but it protects you from the heartbreak of a broken Swarovski ornament. String lights and tabletop accessories can all go in another box.
When putting all the boxes into the storage unit for the first time, put the boxes that contain items for next upcoming holiday in the front of the space. Then, place the following holiday behind it and so on. This system will make searching a breeze come holiday time because really you will not have to search at all. The boxes you need will be right up front. Any larger items that do not fit into boxes should be covered with some sort of blanket or wrapping to protect from dust and damage. Cleaning off the six foot ghost come Halloween will not be a fun chore; it will be a deadly allergy attack instead.
If you are worried about cold temperatures and dampness causing damage to certain items, you should invest in a climate controlled storage unit. It is usually a bit more money, but all your decorations will be safeguarded, as well as any other items you decide to toss into the unit.
Holidays and their decorations come and go, so invest in a storage unit and free up your home!

How to Use a Electric Knife Sharpener

All knives need to be sharpened sooner or later even expensive knives get dull after a while. A dull knife is not only annoying to use, it can also be dangerous for you. A dull knife needs an extra force and can slide off the product instead of cutting it and this increases the risk of cutting yourself. A sharp knife will glide through more easily which makes it easier to control the knife leaving little opportunity of cutting yourself. This is why you should sharpen your knives.
Modern electric knife sharpeners are easy to use requiring little more than the insertion of the blade to be sharpened into a couple of designated "V" shaped slots usually in two or three stages. The slots feature built-in precision angle guides to eliminate all the guesswork. There are usually two sharpening stages and one polishing/honing stage. Most of your knives in your home or restaurant can be sharpened with an electric sharpener such as knives for: hunting, crafting, butchering, fishing and of course kitchen knives. The electric sharpeners typically feature dual blades and often incorporate industrial diamonds that are used in the sharpening process.
Electric knife sharpeners can make a knife as good as new again and sometimes even better than new. Old quality knives or cheaper knives can be given a second life when sharpened in an electric sharpener. The benefit of using an electric sharpener is that it doesn't require the dexterity or skill that sharpening by hand demands. Sharpening a knife by hand is very time-consuming. Electric sharpeners differ with brand to brand and model to model, but a few basic techniques are common to all them.
The first thing you should do when you have bought an electric sharpener is to read the instructions and Figure out what each of the slots on your sharpener does. The manual should be able to tell you what the slots on your machine does and which order you should use them. Some of the possibilities are sharpening, honing, stropping, and steeling. The slots must be used in correct order. The earlier stages structure the edge, taking out nicks and deformations. The later stages hone and polish the edge. If later your knife needs a "touch up" sharpening, you can run it through the final stage without using the other stages.
Turn the machine on. Insert the blade in the first slot to sharpen the right edge of the blade. You will be pulling the blade toward you, make sure the area closest to the handle contacts the sharpener wheels first. Draw the blade at a rate of about two inches per second. For example, a 8-inch knife should take about four seconds to pull. Use only enough pressure to make sure the blade has a good contact with the wheels.
Knife sharpeners often have a collector for the metal shavings that come off the blades. It could be a good idea to Clean the collector periodically. Knife sharpeners can put a very sharp edge on a knife,keep your fingers out of the way. The speed with which it cuts will probably surprise you!

The Use of Cedar Hangers

Your wardrobe contains your favourite clothes and you love wearing them, but how long will they last in good condition? Just because your hang you clothes nicely so that they don't crease, they aren't necessarily safe.
The threat to your clothes is the clothes moth, Tineola Bisselliella. It will chomp its way through wool and silk leaving unsightly holes. In some cases the damage can be extensive. It's not the moth itself that actually does the damage, it's the larvae. The moth lays eggs on your clothing and when they hatch, they eat the fabric.
A great natural way to get rid of or prevent clothes moths is to use cedar. The oil in the wood kills small larvae and therefore your clothes are protected.
Simply buy cedar hangers to put your clothes on, and when you find the strength of the oil diminishing (at between 6 and 12 months), lightly sand the wood to release more. Another benefit of the cedar is that it helps prevent mildew too.
Wooden hangers look a lot nicer than the plastic ones that High Street clothes come with. They are also more durable because they are made of solid wood, not cheap plastic.
Of course cedar hangers come at a cost, whereas High Street hangers are free, but if you want to protect the clothes you have just bought and keep them looking nice for years to come, cedar hangers are definitely worth considering.
As well as hangers, you can also buy blocks of cedar to put in your drawers, and discs on ribbon to hang on your wardrobe rail.
Using cedar as a moth repellent is better than using chemical moth balls if you want to keep things as natural as possible and the cedar smells much nicer too - a lovely fresh smell.
Of course prevention is better than a cure, so if you are lucky enough to be moth free at the moment, try to keep it that way. Check second-hand clothing to make sure there are no silvery looking threads (about an inch long), and only put away clean clothes. A good wardrobe is also important - it should be made well so that it is difficult for the moths to gain access. Of course you can also buy clothing covers which give an extra layer of protection to your clothes and they have the added bonus of keeping dust off too. Regular hoovering also helps keep moths at bay.
If you do find moths, don't despair. Put fresh cedar wood in with your clothes to kill the small larvae and regularly take your clothes into the light and shake them. The larvae do not like the light and will fall off. You can also wash clothes in a hot wash to kill the larvae. Anything that can't be hot washed might be able to be frozen - wrap the items carefully in plastic and pop in the freezer for a day.
With a bit of care, all of your gorgeous clothes should stay looking good and your wardrobe will be a safe place for them.

Dealing With Psychosocial and Cultural Impact of Disability on the Family

There are certain factors that can affect the psychosocial and cultural impact of disability on the family. It actually depends on the type of sickness and how long has the disability been going on. It's hard to accept a family member's medical condition, and they usually have a hard time coping with situations like these. It's a good thing that there are counselors that can help families in accepting their fate and allowing them to embrace whatever problems the family is going through.
It is definitely hard to see someone in your family suffer and knowing that you cannot reverse the disability is really heartbreaking. There are certain scenarios that can affect the family's behavior and it usually has something to do with who gets sick.
• It becomes harder to accept if one of the parents becomes disabled. This makes it hard for the children, especially if they are still young, because they don't fully understand why all of these things are happening.
• If the father is the one who's suffering from a disability, the wife becomes worried because there are so many things that she has to attend to, and financial issues are usually the number one concern.
• On the other hand, if it's the mom who gets sick, the father is faced on how he will juggle his time between his children and his work.
• If it's one of the kids that is having health issues, it's hard for the parents to understand, knowing that they can only do so much as to providing their children's needs and hope that someday their kid will be able to surpass the disability.
The psychosocial and cultural impact of disability on the family can take its toll and it can sometimes lead to negative things because there are so many underlying issues that they have to deal with. They have to deal with their finances and their family responsibilities in terms of care giving schedules. Taking care of a disabled person can take up so much time and a person's social life may suffer, that's why most counselors teach families on time management and they also give them advices on how they can have a better understanding of the things that are happening in their everyday lives.
It really does not matter what type of disability your family member is going through, as long as you're together and your family values stay intact, then, you won't have a problem dealing with it. After all, you can turn to each other for support and rehabilitation counselors will be there to guide you every step of the way.

Top Considerations When Buying Men's Watches

Watches are one of the most important accessories any guy can own. They're essential for style, they're a status symbol, and they can be his most useful piece of jewelry. Even a guy who will never wear a necklace or ring will wear a watch because of the kind of response it elicits. And when you are buying men's watches, especially luxury watches, there are a few things you want to consider in your purchase to get the perfect one. Whether it's for yourself or someone you know, you have to make a few considerations before leaping to buy.
The first is to consider your or the recipient's lifestyle. Are they very active, spending most of their time engaged in sports or outdoor activities? You can't buy a fragile watch for someone who likes to hike one weekend and wakeboard the next. You'd want something that can withstand that kind of assault. But if the person you are buying for is less of an outdoors-man and spends his time in the office or out at nice restaurants, go with something a little classier and more luxurious.
You'll also have to take a look at water resistance when it comes to men's watches. Again, this depends on the wearer's needs. If they love scuba-diving, you don't need water resistant, but water proof. There's a big different between the two, as diving watches can be submerged under water with no damage, but water resistant means it can only take some dampness before getting ruined. Make sure you know exactly level of resistance needed before buying.
Take a look at the bracelet and decide whether you want stainless steel or leather. Leather can be more comfortable for many people and once broken in, make for a really nicely fitted watch. But stainless steel does last longer than leather and is also waterproof. It also looks dressier with that business suit than a leather strap.
Color, of course, is another main factor. Maybe a more subtle look is better for wear in a variety of places. But there are some really fun and exciting designs with men's watches to be on the lookout for as well. They can really make a statement, letting people know you or the recipient is a guy who loves to stand out. That is often a good thing!
So take your time in choosing a men's watch that works. You want to make sure it's the perfect one, no matter who will be wearing it!

Wackiest Home Inventions

When you look for criteria in your home, what do you think about? Spacious layouts, high ceilings, nice bathrooms, quiet neighborhoods? What about the offbeat things that could make your home a little more interesting? Maybe you are a little gadget crazy or you like having the most unique accessories, whatever the reason here is a list of the wackiest home inventions to help add some character to your home.
Tired of going to the grocery store and buying fruits and vegetables that are supposed to be healthy? We spend countless hours scouring the stores for the freshest, cheapest, and best produce and for what, for it to go bad way before we have a chance to eat it? If this sounds like you then the BLUE bowl may be for you. This concept is from Turkish designers and the bowl emits a blue light that is suppose to help keep your fruit fresher for longer. The blue light also helps fight off e.coli, salmonella, and ethylene gas.
Have you ever thought that you wished your room window had a balcony on it? Maybe you would want a balcony there just to relax, but don't really like the look of a balcony on a house. Well now you can have a balcony that expands out from your house when you want it to. The invention started in Sweden so that citizens would not break city ordinances by having balconies. Currently it can be customized to most windows and comes in a variety of colors.
How is your bathroom space? Wish that you had more room to move around? Well there is a perfect invention for that. Think of a Swiss army knife. Everything is compact into one holder until you need something and then you can fold it out and then it folds back in. This bathroom design offers the same concept. Everything from your toilet and sink to your shower come in one solid compact, cylinder container. This contraption also house storage containers. Now all you have to do is swivel out the toilet when you need it and then pull out the shower when you are ready.
Want to catch some rays and swim in your pool and play on the computer all at the same time? Well now you can. For those of you who cannot part from your computer at all there is the pool PC. This is made out of waterproof plastics and is solar powered so there is no need for cables. The best part is that it uses the cool water from the pool to keep the unit cool. Also if you are lost at sea, this thing has GPS.
Now that you have found your house, you can add all of these new gadgets and be the envy of everyone you meet. Like with any new purchase make sure you get home insurance so that you can protect all of these new inventions from your jealous neighbors who will be waiting to get their hands on all of your amazing treasures.

Green Energy in Your Garden? Add a Solar Powered Water Feature

There are homeowners that invest a lot of time into maintaining their gardens. Some gardens will have water features, which add beauty and these devices are electrical powered. If these homeowners are concerned about the harmful effects of these devices, they can use solar powered water features, which they can learn about in this article.
There are several types of solar powered water features that are suited for different purposes. A solar fountain is used for small ponds. They do not have any cables and run off of one solar panel. Solar bird baths are for bird lovers. These devices use solar power to keep water circulating and this is what attracts the birds. Although the bird baths are pleasing to view, they are also expensive. Solar water falls are one of the most stunning fountains, however they also serve practical purposes, such as keeping the water clean.
Solar powered water fountains are very popular because homeowners and gardeners have become aware of the benefits. The market is full of different variations, which allow the customer to be versatile. The do not require cords or electrical sources because they run off solar power. The sun is a free and unlimited source of power, which saves the residents hundreds of dollars. Considering how delicate a garden can be, homeowners will appreciate the fact that the technology is non-polluting because it does not emit green house gases. Although the water fountains will require very little maintenance, the solar panels will last a lifetime. The fountains also give gardens stunning cosmetic appeal, which can increase the value of a home.
Product Features
Due to the variances in features on water fountains enthusiast should be informed on what they are shopping for before they commit to a purchase. Homeowners should first decide how much power they would like to be available. Rain and nights can decrease the operating time of the devices. Some of the products will come with batteries while others won't and this is a choice buyers will have to make. Another nifty feature available is flexible panel options. Some fountains will come with panels and others will have remote ones that are mounted within close proximity. Homeowners that desire a stunning display will want to look for products that come with lights

The Top Woodworking Tips For Beginners

Woodworking is a fantastic craft that is extremely rewarding as both a profession and hobby. Whether you're looking to brush up your skill-set for those touch up jobs around the home or considering a career in the industry, here are the top woodworking tips for beginners.
Tip #1 - Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail
While this is an overused phrase, it couldn't be more true in the woodworking world. Undoubtedly the most important thing to remember is before you start any project, whether it be big or small, is to draft out a plan. Take the time to consider what materials are required and how everything will come together to complete your project. Nothing is worse than diving into a project only to find that you can't complete it because you used the wrong materials or you put something together incorrectly.
Tip #2 - Slow and Steady Wins the Race
One of the most important woodworking tips for beginners is to resist the urge to dive straight into the harder, more complicated projects. Start with simple touch-up jobs around the house, or build a couple of pieces of furniture such as a stool or coffee table.
Tip #3 - Stick to a Budget
Woodworking projects can easily become extremely expensive if you don't keep track of and stick to a budget. During this time while you are learning, experiment with cheaper kinds of wood and materials to keep costs down. That way you can afford to make mistakes without hurting your wallet. Once you develop the required skills then start to use the more expensive and higher quality materials.
Remember to have a look around in your garage, workshop or shed -- you likely already have the necessary tools required for small projects, so don't race out and buy the expensive professional equipment yet.
Tip #4 - Rome Wasn't Built in a Day
Never give up! Woodworking requires patience and many projects can't be built quickly. Don't be deterred if what you were trying to build doesn't turn out exactly how you wanted it. As with any craft, practice makes perfect and you'll be rewarded if you don't let mistakes get the better of you.
Tip #5 - Find Pre Designed Plans/Blueprints
There are many plans available that have detailed, step by step instructions for various projects. During this initial learning stage, it is highly recommended to follow a tried and tested plan or blueprint if one exists for your particular project.

How to Strip the Finish From Old Wood Furniture

The first step in restoring a piece of wooden furniture is usually to get rid of any paint or finish already on the piece. I'm going to cover the process of how to do that in this article. By the time we're done, you should know everything you need to know to complete this critical step in the wood furniture restoration process.
First, let's talk about some safety items. Whenever you work with wood finishes, it's important to have a well ventilated area. You want to keep the dust off of your project, and you don't want to breathe in any particles in the air that come off the furniture piece.
Always use a respirator and safety glasses when removing finish, and make sure you have enough fresh air and air flow.
The process of removing the finish is really easy. All you need to do is go from the easiest thing to the hardest thing. By the easiest, I mean we're going to start out wherever the finish looks weakest. Look for flaky paint, stripping finish, and other signs of wear and tear. Wearing your safety glasses and respirator, take a wire brush, and scrape off anything you can with it. Don't worry about getting everything at this point, just get off the easy stuff.
When you've gotten everything you can with the wire brush, use an air compressor or canned air to spray down your piece. You want to get off any dust particles that might accumulate on the surface after you finish.
Once you have a nice, clean project again, it's time to kick it up a notch. Get some paint thinner on a rag, and rub down your project. If the piece only has a light finish, this will be your final step, but that's pretty rare.
Next, grab a large piece of steel wool and rub out as much as you can. Steel wool gives you a little more access to the fine muscles in your hands than a wire brush does, so it's better for detail work. Get out as much as you can with the steel wool, then move on.
Next, we're going to get into the heavy stuff. Pull out some commercial grade paint stripper or Acetone compound. If you use paint stripper (which I recommend) you should make sure you're using a professional quality. Most of the retail quality won't get everything off. The main difference is that the professional quality has methylene chloride in the ingredients. Again, please make sure you're working in a well ventilated area, as these are harsh chemicals that can hurt you if you breathe them.
Rub the paint stripper all over any stubborn left over spots. Your goal is a smooth, all wood look from your project, with no spots of previous paint or finish showing up. This makes adding new paint or finish much easier later on in the process.
Once you have that smooth look, you're ready to move on. You can now paint, sand, modify, or do whatever you need to do to make your furniture project look great.

Woodwork Projects As a Hobby - A Great Way to Wake Up a Woodworker in You!

If you have some spare time in your life and you would really like to feel useful and creative, then you should try finding a hobby that would fulfil this need. A great way to accomplish this is to try woodworking. Building your own woodwork projects is both an exciting and thrilling experience, especially if it is something you have never done before. Look around your home! There are certainly some things you would like to have in your backyard or in your room. Don't fall for the easiest way of getting them, simply by going to the store and purchasing them. I agree, it is an easier way of getting things done, but it is also the most expensive way. Even if you are wealthy and high prices do not represent a problem for you, deciding to build an item instead of buying it might be one of the smartest decisions you ever made.
First of all, woodworking is a great way of developing your creativity. I.e., even though you already have a woodworking plan for building a piece of your furniture, you can always add some of your own ideas and try to make it a bit more different. The more creative you are the more personal your furniture will be and you will have more fun building it.
Second, it is obvious - building things is much cheaper than buying them. There are many woodworking ideas you can come across, and whatever you decide to build, there is always a store where you can simply go and buy it. However, if you put the numbers on the paper, the calculation is very simple - you will save a great deal of money if you decide to roll up your sleeves and get the work done by yourself.
Third, woodworking projects will make you feel more alive than you ever felt before. With every finished woodwork project, you will not only gain more experience and become a better woodworker, but you will also become more and more proud of yourself. And your self-respect will rise to new levels. You will love the new creator in yourself and that's what makes life great.
Fourth, woodworking can earn you money - and I mean lots of it! Have you ever tried buying an Adirondack chair, for example? You can buy a nice and firm Adirondack chair online for around $300!!! That's a lot if you compare it with what the cost would be if you built it yourself. Specializing in building Adirondack chairs for example and finding a good market for selling them can become an excellent source of income, maybe the only one you will need. You can even add some changes and make your own unique design of Adirondack chairs. In this case, you could also sell your own Adirondack chair plans to other woodworkers. There are many ways in which you could earn money with woodworking.
Let's get back to the beginning, then. If you're looking for something interesting which will bring joy and creativity to your life, why not try woodwork projects? It might be a great hobby you will never want to quit. And even if it is something you feel you're not good at, give it a chance at least. You never know - maybe you will discover a passionate woodworker in you, waiting to get out and reveal their woodworking skills to the world.

Basic Hand Wood Tools

The beginning woodworker is sometimes confused about what wood tools are needed as there are so many to choose from. My advice is: Don't rush out and buy any tools recommended as a 'starter kit' unless you have an immediate task to use those tools on. This article provides a basic list of useful hand wood tools with a short description of how to use them. To determine which to buy, check your project. Get the tools you'll need to complete your project.
The general recommendation to the beginning woodworker is: Learn how to use wood hand tools before trying to work with power tools. The work will be slower and a bit more physically taxing but you'll gain knowledge of how to use the various types of tools to best advantage, your work will be more precise, and you won't be nearly as apt to get seriously hurt.
-- Clamps
Clamps are an essential basic hand tool and are used to to keep your wood stationary. They come in all sizes. Use them when drilling, sawing, gluing, etc. - any task that requires the the wood you're working on doesn't move.
-- Drill
There are various types of hand drills. Some are called push-drills. Pushing the drill up and down makes the drill bit go around, cut into the wood, and make a hole. Another type of hand drill consists of a crank on a shaft. Turning the crank makes the drill bit go around, making a hole. Most drills come with a set of bits of varying sizes which, obviously, make different size holes. Being able to make the correct size hole in a piece of wood is necessary for attaching two pieces together with screws, bolts, or nails. When using nails in a pre-drilled hole, I often dip the nail in Epoxy before slipping it into the hole. This anchors the nail so it doesn't slip out again.
-- Saw
It's useful to learn how to use a hand saw, but it's very tiring if you have a thick piece of wood that you're trying to cut. I much prefer a power saw.
-- Miter Box
A miter box is a kind-of jig that helps you cut precise angles - usually 45°. Two pieces of wood with a 45° angle on their ends can be put together to form a 90° corner on, say, a picture frame or the lid of a box. A hand saw is guided to make the correct angle by a slit in the miter box.
These are just a few of the many and varied hand wood tools that are available.
Woodworking is a very enjoyable hobby. It takes some practice to get really good at it, but the rewards of completing a project that is both useful and good to look at make this one of the more productive hobbies that one could learn.

Timber Furniture Plans - Find the Best Woodworking Resource

As a cabinetmaker myself, I know what it is like to lose interest in a project from the simple fact that you can not find plans to suit your needs. I had just recently got the motivation back and started thinking about and searching for my next project. With a growing child and another on the way, my wife and I had to discuss the bedroom situation for the children. In need for some bedroom furniture plans I turned my search to the internet.
I came across some timber furniture plans for my daughter's new bedroom.
A bed with drawers under
Bed side cabinet
Tall boy drawers to match
It is possible to find the plans that you desire and you can do it from the comfort of your home or office because they are available on the internet. There are in fact thousands of websites with many plans for you to download, some offer the plans for free and others require payment. With the help of your internet browser you can quite easily find a timber furniture plan to suit your need and budget.
What to look for in a PAID woodworking package.
  • 3D drawings- 3 dimensional impression of your finished project
  • Exploded 3D drawings- Exploded views with each component labeled in relation to the component list and step by step construction guide.
  • Section view - for the more complicated areas that need a little more attention and detail.
  • Front and end elevations - 2 dimensional drawings showing dimensions of the finished product.
  • Material lists- take your material list off to the hardware store and timber yard and come home with the required materials ready for cutting.
  • Component list- so you just simply take the material and cut each component to the sizes given.
  • Step by step - a very easy to follow construction guide.
However there are only a couple of packages out there that you would bother forking out for. You can tell that the owners have put their decades of woodworking experience gathering knowledge, skill tips and trade secrets, building a data base of thousands of plans.
How do I get some FREE woodworking plans?
If it is free plans you are after, you will probably find a picture of what you want but will most likely be lacking the detail that most people require to turn it into a full scale finished product.
Looking for free woodworking plans on the internet is a bit hit and miss, as there is a lot of garbage you will have to sift through to find the genuine ones. Joining a woodworkers forum would be a good idea and communicating with your fellow furniture makers and the like will open up a whole world of resources.
A lot of people are reluctant to buy products over the web due to the many scammers out there trying to cheat them of there hard earned cash. When i am interested in an item on the internet I always do a quick search of the company name or person to make sure there is no alarm bells telling me to stay away.
Access to a woodworking package is going to give you the confidence to take on that project you have been trying to talk yourself into getting started, whether it is a bookshelf or a shed.
It doesn't matter what skill level you are if you have a project to do, there is a detailed plan to help you get the job done. You just need the best resource that suits your personality or your way of learning.
If you are a woodworker that enjoys making timber furniture, building outdoor projects or even a business owner in need of some fresh woodwork designs. There are Timber furniture plans with step by step layout to guide you through your project and make your woodwork experience easy, enjoyable and satisfying.
There are thousands of plans to browse on the internet like Arbor plans, barns, beds, boats, beehives, carports, cart plans, chairs, computer desks, deck plans, dog house plans, garage plans, guitars, hutch plans, kitchen projects, lathe plans, pergola plans, planters, swings, tables of all shapes and sizes, plans for wooden toys, just to name a few.